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Three wishes from a financial genie

Imagine being granted three wishes that could potentially change your financial future. But here's the twist: which of the three options would you choose?

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The First Snake Oil Salesman

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3 min read

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Are we in a housing bubble?

Ever deep-dived into Zillow and imagined that sunlit office? Let's pop the bubble on housing market myths and serve up some real talk for homeowners and daydreamers.

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5 min read

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Social (In)Security

Ugh, is that even going to exist when I retire? The skepticism makes sense when you see headlines like, “Social Security on track to go BROKE!!” But, as is true in most financial news, it pays to look beyond the headlines.

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5 min read

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The next debt ceiling crisis

Why does this keep happening? The Treasury debt limit, a.k.a the debt ceiling, is the max amount of money the Treasury can borrow by issuing debt (bonds). The Treasury’s ability to issue debt is how it funds the federal budget. But that’s not all! It also creates a critical supply of Treasury bonds for the global economy.

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4 min read

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Why you should start saving for retirement today. Seriously.

When it comes to saving for retirement it’s important to start putting money in the right places early.

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4 min read

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Marijuana, fish fertilizer, and your future.

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The almost-a-recession playbook

If you’re like us, you’re sick of hearing the word recession…and we still aren’t even officially in one. (Or maybe we are!

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3 min read

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Building wealth with the 50-30-20 rule.

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Are diamonds really forever?

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3 min read

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We’ve raised $7M in funding to help you reach financial freedom

We’ve raised $7M in funding to help you reach financial freedom

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3 min read

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The 90s toys that'll make you rich.

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What’s the deal with art investing?

Let's start with a cautionary tale. Who remembers the $40 Million Elbow?

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The founding father of F-you money.

Let's talk about Benjamin Franklin — the unsuspecting king of kite surfing, colonial streetwear, and compounding interest.

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2 min read

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Part 1: How to negotiate a raise.

Part 1: How to negotiate a raise.

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3 min read

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Are employee stock options worth the hype?

Enticed by the siren song of startups' perks and the dream of striking it rich with stock options? Beware! The path to cashing in is riddled with hurdles and complexities. The promise of fortune demands savvy navigation and expert advice. Let's jump in.

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3 min read

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The Seven Wonders of the Financial World

We know you've been dying to know. How much would it cost to build the Great Wall of China out of Legos? (No, this isn't a McKinsey interview.)

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4 min read

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What's the deal with inflation?

Would you blow your nose on a $100 bill? Dive into Zimbabwe's jaw-dropping hyperinflation journey, demystify the buzz around inflation's bite on your buck, and uncover savvy strategies to keep your finances flourishing.

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2 min read