How much money do you need to never have to work again?!

July 18, 2024

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Determine the Amount Needed
  • Estimate Annual Expenses: Calculate your annual living expenses, including housing, food, healthcare, transportation, taxes, entertainment, and any other regular costs.
  • Apply the 4% Rule: Multiply your estimated annual expenses by 25 to determine the total amount needed. This is based on the idea that withdrawing 4% per year from your portfolio should be sustainable.
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Example Calculation:
  • Annual Expenses: $50,000
  • Total Amount Needed: $50,000 x 25 = $1,250,000

This means you would need approximately $1.25 million invested to cover $50,000 in annual expenses indefinitely, assuming the 4% rule holds true.

Quiz:  How Much Will You Retire With?
Factors That Influence the Amount Needed:

Lifestyle choices

  • A more luxurious lifestyle will require a larger portfolio.
  • Frugal living can reduce the amount needed.


  • Living in a high-cost-of-living area (e.g., New York City, San Francisco) will require more money than living in a low-cost-of-living area.


  • The 4% rule is based on historical averages and assumes that investment returns will outpace inflation.

Healthcare costs

  • These can be significant, especially in retirement, and may require additional savings or insurance coverage.
  • Investment Returns:
  • The sustainability of withdrawals depends on the performance of your investment portfolio. Diversified, balanced portfolios are often recommended.
  • Other Sources of Income:
  • Social Security benefits, pensions, rental income, or part-time work can reduce the amount needed from investments.

Investment returns

  • The sustainability of withdrawals depends on the performance of your investment portfolio. Diversified, balanced portfolios are often recommended.

Other sources of income

  • Social Security benefits, pensions, rental income, or part-time work can reduce the amount needed from investments.
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Adjusting for Different Scenarios:
  • Conservative Approach: If you want to be more conservative, you might use a lower withdrawal rate, such as 3%. This means you would multiply your annual expenses by 33.3 instead of 25.
  • Higher Returns: If you expect higher investment returns or have other sources of income, you might be comfortable with a higher withdrawal rate.
Conclusion + Playbook

The specific amount of money needed to never have to work again will vary based on individual circumstances and assumptions. However, using the 4% rule as a guideline, you can estimate that you'll need 25 times your annual expenses invested in a diversified portfolio. Adjust this estimate based on your personal situation, risk tolerance, and financial goals.

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